Why Letters?
In a study titled Children’s Social and Emotional well-Being in Singapore by the Singapore Children’s Society (http://www.ncss.org.sg/vwocorner/research_gateway/Children_and_youth_abstract_28.pdf), the findings “underscored the importance of effective parent-child communication, and also highlighted the problem of a lack of parental insight and confidence of the quality of parent-child relationship.” The lack of parental insight stems from poor parent-child communication which impacts parent-child relationships.
1) #letterstodad will HELP the youth to express themselves whether positively or not so positively. And this seeks to bring a psychological healing to their emotions and their minds as they express themselves.
One doesn’t have to be an experienced or eloquent writer to receive the self-healing benefits that writing has to offer. All that is required is that one channel one’s emotions honestly and that one write solely on emotion and not reasoning. The beauty of writing as a form of self-healing is that it allows one to release one’s feelings and come to terms with any problems.
2) #letterstodad will encourage reciprocal communication from the father towards the child.
Through youth writing letters expressing in a sincere and honest manner, fathers will be aware of and can work on the following:
· What their children appreciate about them and so continue to practice those things
· What they do that causes sadness, anger or disappointment and address or change those areas
· What children hope for from them and start to work towards fulfilling those hopes
Through the active communication and resulting action, fathers will become more positively engaged in their children’s lives and in doing so become role models for their children which is the key factor for social well-being.
3) Posting online letters in the #letterstodad confessional webpage.Writing on a confessional webpage a letter that you have no intention of sending to the fathers/”imaginary” fathers who have done something you perceive as wrong and hurtful to you. In this letter you are free to express your true feelings and can “tell” the person how their words or actions hurt you. The identity of the person is kept anonymous and the person is free to release something they have carried in their life, possibly of hurt/abuse.
Youth have a healthy outlet for their feelings to write a poem or short story that illustrates their appreciation or pain.
1) #letterstodad will HELP the youth to express themselves whether positively or not so positively. And this seeks to bring a psychological healing to their emotions and their minds as they express themselves.
One doesn’t have to be an experienced or eloquent writer to receive the self-healing benefits that writing has to offer. All that is required is that one channel one’s emotions honestly and that one write solely on emotion and not reasoning. The beauty of writing as a form of self-healing is that it allows one to release one’s feelings and come to terms with any problems.
2) #letterstodad will encourage reciprocal communication from the father towards the child.
Through youth writing letters expressing in a sincere and honest manner, fathers will be aware of and can work on the following:
· What their children appreciate about them and so continue to practice those things
· What they do that causes sadness, anger or disappointment and address or change those areas
· What children hope for from them and start to work towards fulfilling those hopes
Through the active communication and resulting action, fathers will become more positively engaged in their children’s lives and in doing so become role models for their children which is the key factor for social well-being.
3) Posting online letters in the #letterstodad confessional webpage.Writing on a confessional webpage a letter that you have no intention of sending to the fathers/”imaginary” fathers who have done something you perceive as wrong and hurtful to you. In this letter you are free to express your true feelings and can “tell” the person how their words or actions hurt you. The identity of the person is kept anonymous and the person is free to release something they have carried in their life, possibly of hurt/abuse.
Youth have a healthy outlet for their feelings to write a poem or short story that illustrates their appreciation or pain.